Jose Mier’s Secret Technique
Do you ever go out for breakfast and are amazed at how perfect and flat the bacon on your plate is? I am. Or more correctly, I was. It’s astounding how something so simple can have such a big effect on you (me, that is). Now, it’s no secret that I have a place in my heart for bacon. I also love presentation. Just take a look at my Jose Mier Net article on food photography. Somehow having my bacon stand at attention as I admire it on my plate makes it taste all the better.
Okay, so this is not originally my technique and it’s probably not too secret but there are always new generations of cooks who haven’t been exposed yet to all the info out there on the internet. Most of us start by simply frying bacon in a skillet. The “secret” (if it is such) is to bake the bacon. Hey, it’s even got “bake” in its name! By baking the bacon in an oven the heat acts on it in a different way.
As you can see in the included video, you lay the bacon down on racks atop a foil-lined baking sheet. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes. The greatest aspect about this (aside from perfectly flat bacon) is that there’s no spatter. All the rendered fat drips down off the bacon to the sheet below. Simple, no?
Jose Has a Sweet and Spicy Side
But it doesn’t end there. As you can see in the video, our cooks suggest going a step further and flavoring your bacon with things such as black pepper, maple syrup or even honey and srriacha sauce to give it a sweet and spick flavor.
Regardless of how you do it, the bacon will emerge flat as a board, ready to be plated alongside you eggs or pancakes. If you, like me, want the full-on restaurant effect, add some orange wedges or sliced strawberries on the side!
Still too lazy to do it yourself? Here in Los Angeles, there’s always a Denny’s nearby. If you’re in Sun Valley, go to Denny’s at 8022 Vineland Ave, Sun Valley, CA 92352.