Jose Mier Gastronomy’s Tribute to French Beef Stew
The origins of pot au feu are shrouded in the mists of time. This dish is arguably France’s signature dish. In essence, this is the French version of beef stew and it’s a rich, hearty, meaty concoction. This dish has a special place in Chef Jose Mier’s repertoire and for good reason. It’s especially good on those cold winter days.

So just what makes up pot au feu? Well it’s traditionally a family dish and certainly not upscale. It utilizes inexpensive cuts of meat that need to be cooked for a long time. Indeed the name pot au feu means “pot on the fire.” Another important ingredient are meats that contain a lot of cartilage and marrow. Tossing in a marrow bone adds extra richness to this stew. Vegetables are also added, things like turnips celery onions for carrots. Other spices round out the dish like a bouquet garni, salt and even cloved.
As Wikipedia tells us there’s a method to serving this stew. The broth comes first and then the marrow, maybe served on toast. Meat and vegetables come last. The French like to serve this with mustard and horseradish as well as some pickles.
The number of recipes available this numerous varies from one family to another so find one that you like and give this a try. There also many videos on YouTube and elsewhere to guide you through each step visually. It’s a testament to this dish that there is so much information for you and for me.
Although we here in Sun Valley, California you should have to deal with an Indian summer, and right now temperatures have been extreme, cooler weather should be on the way and a perfect opportunity to cook pot au feu will be upon us. It’s strange in this melting pot of Los Angeles that we don’t have more French restaurants around us. For me the closest one is Café Beaujolais located at 1712 Colorado Blvd. in Eagle Rock, California. In fact thinking about this is making me want to make reservation. Excuse me while I do so.