Tag: jose mier

Vietnamese chicken screenshot Jose Mier Sun Valley, CA

Jose Mier Explores Vietnamese Cooking

foodjose miersun valleycaramel ginger chickenjose miersun valley cavietnamese cooking

Sun Valley, CA to Saigon: Culinary Journey of Flavors and Caramelization Jose Mier of Sun Valley became enamored of Vietnamese cooking long ago but finding a recipe on RecipeTinEats.com for caramel ginger chicken took everything to another level. Vietnamese cuisine is a delightful fusion of aromatic herbs, fresh ingredients, and a delicate balance of flavors. ….  Read More

Jose Mier Extols the Humble Sun Dried Tomato

foodjose miersun valleyjose miermarry me chickensun dried tomatoessun valley ca

Myriad Uses in Sunny Sun Valley, CA Jose Mier’s Sun Valley, CA kitchen is always stocked with sun-dried tomatoes and there’s a good reason. They taste great and they’re great for you. This recipe for “Marry Me Chicken” makes use of them (to great effect. Sun-dried tomatoes are a delightful culinary ingredient that has been ….  Read More

Christmas appetizer penguins Jose Mier Sun Valley CA

Festive Flavors: A Culinary Journey Through Christmas Appetizers

foodjose miersun valleyChristmas appetizersjose miersun valley ca

Jose Mier Constructs Appetizers in Sun Valley, CA Kitchen          Chef Jose Mier, Sun Valley, CA native always explores interesting reciepes and with Christmas upon us finding new ways to wow a group of guests or family means searching for recipe ideas. Below are some good appetizer recipes to try, but for something completely adorable, check ….  Read More