Jose Mier Discusses Condiments
Jose Mier on the Underappreciated Flavor Boosters I spend a lot of time writing about wonderful foods and recipes from around the world and why not? I love food. But we often overlook those sauces, dips, relishes, spreads or powders that take our food to the next level. Yes, I’m talking about the humble condiment. …. Read More
Jose Mier Pays Tribute to the Humble Hot Dog
It’s July 4th. Independence Day. Somewhere over the past 100 years one simple food item has emerged as the representative of the American way of life. That’s the humble hot dog. It may be a change from my most recent Jose Mier net articles in which I suggest ways to wow dinner guests, but I …. Read More
The Appeal of the Food Image
Jose Mier Contemplates What Makes Us Hungry I thought I’d digress just a bit with this post. When you view my other Jose Mier food articles you’ll see I always add an image of the particular food I’m writing about. Why? Well, we all like to see an image. That’s particularly true with food. We …. Read More
Jose Mier Jaunts to Spain for Paella
From Jose Mier’s Ancestral Homeland With a name like Jose Mier you’d imagine I’d be an expert on Spanish cooking. Well, you’re partially right. It’s been a few centuries since the Mier family made their way from Spain to the New World and for me personally I’ve had to relearn things that were probably familiar …. Read More
Jose Mier Goes to France for Ratatouille
Jose Mier here with another suggestion for your next dinner party. I’m making the jump across the “pond” this time to France for my inspiration. I think I’m partial to “historical” dishes—those with name recognition—but for whatever reason have not sustained themselves as common dishes we serve. Hence, ratatouille. Sure, the name gained some more …. Read More
What is Aquafaba and How Do I Use It?
Here’s a great question from a reader about aquafaba. Have you heard of it? Wondering how to use it as an egg substitute? We have the answers! Continue reading “What is Aquafaba and How Do I Use It?” »
Jicama, Avocado, and Orange Salad
If you need proof that salads don’t have to be boring, this recipe is it! This combination of textures and vibrant flavors is sure to wake up any picnic table or indoor lunch. Not to mention, it’s super satisfying. Continue reading “Jicama, Avocado, and Orange Salad” »
Easy Aioli
Aioli is easy to make at home and serves as a garlicky, flavor-boosting accompaniment to vegetables, fish, BLTs, or fries. This mayo-like sauce is the extra special something you’ve been craving! Continue reading “Easy Aioli” »
How to Make the Best Scrambled Eggs
The secret to the best scrambled eggs? Milk and butter, a good whisk, and a nonstick pan over low heat. Big, fluffy, luxurious scrambled eggs in under 10 minutes! Continue reading “How to Make the Best Scrambled Eggs” »
Seared Ahi Tuna
Ahi tuna, also known as yellowfin tuna, marinated in sesame oil, soy sauce, ginger, garlic, green onion, and lime juice, then pan seared. Continue reading “Seared Ahi Tuna” »