Chef Jose Mier’s Stuffed Chicken
A Surprise Awaits Within There’s something about stuffed foods, from a pork roast with garlic cloves embedded to even the stuffed crust pizza that’s popular among many. I think it’s the surprise we get when we cut or bite into something and realize that there’s more there than we first thought. Same with chicken. Breast …. Read More
Steaking a Claim: The Key to A Perfect Steak
One of Chef Jose Mier’s favorite meals is a good, grilled steak. There’s just something no-nosense about it. Really, it’s just meat. Just one good cut. The rest is frills like side dishes or garnish. The cut has to be good to start but after than it’s preparation that’s key and I’m going to expound …. Read More
New York or Chicago? Dive into Deep Dish Pizza
Chef Jose Mier Addresses This Ancient Rivalry I’m all about food and I try not to play favorites so maybe I’m taking a risk today by promoting what I think is going to make your dinner guests’ eyes open wide. I’m talking about deep dish pizza and as everyone on earth probably knows it’s the …. Read More
Yellow Fever: Chef Jose Mier Discusses Mustard
After All, Ketchup’s Not the Only Condiment I feel bad. Yesterday I praised America’s favorite condiment, ketchup. I started to feel sad for saluting its red cousin, but I shouldn’t have felt so bad. Mustard (the common yellow variety) is also a heavyweight in its own right. Over 700 million pounds of mustard are consumed …. Read More
Ketching Up with Jose Mier
America’s Favorite Table Sauce Brits love vinegar on their French fries (chips, to them) but no self-respecting American would put anything atop his or her fries but ketchup. For reasons lost to the swirling mists of time ketchup is by far the most widely-used condiment/sauce in these United States. Yes, I usually promote some interesting …. Read More
From Humble to Haughty: Meatloaf
Chef Jose Mier And His Take On This Unassuming Dish Recently I’ve been featuring recipes and foods that gained popularity during the Great Depression. They were foods designed to make the family dollar go further during tough times. One of those simple foods was meatloaf. Cooks would often lace the dish with some kind of …. Read More
SOS! Also Known As Creamed Chipped Beef on Toast
From the annals of Jose Mier’s kitchen comes a Depression-era dish that earns a special place in cooking history. If you don’t know what the SOS stands for in regard to this dish, better ask your grandmother. Let’s just say it was a colorful name and leave it at that. While I’m on this Depression-era …. Read More
The Canny Jose Mier: Bread and Butter Pickles
What Jose Mier Dreams Are Made Of Am I off on a tangent here? Well, I did just write about the underappreciated condiment, right? And what are pickles except a magnificent condiment? As I continue to peruse recipes from the Great Depression, one popped out because it has a special place in my heart. When …. Read More
Jose Mier’s Food-On-A-Budget
Allrecipes Shares Depression-Era Cooking Tips From the Jose Mier kitchen: As a food aficionado I am plugged into a variety of websites and blogs dealing with cooking. In fact I am often bombarded with ideas and recipes to the extent that I can’t possibly cook al the foods that are delivered to my inbox. Still, …. Read More