Jose Mier’s Quiche Lorraine
One of France’s World Favorite Foods Jose Mier Gastronomy has been posting several of the world’s most favorite foods recently and here’s another one to add to your list: quiche Lorraine. This French dish gained widespread popularity in the last few decades. It’s not hard to see why since one of the main ingredients …. Read More
Jose Mier Gastronomy Profiles Mochi Balls
Japan’s Entry Into World Famous Food Jose Mier Gastronomy has yet another entry on the list of the most popular foods in the world. This one comes from Japan and it’s mochi ice cream balls. You may have had these on occasion but if not they’re a lot of fun. Mochi is a glutenous rice …. Read More
Jose Mier Gastronomy Salutes the BLT
Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato’s Origins Jose Mier here once again tracking down the most popular foods in the world. Today’s entry is that ubiquitous sandwich known as the BLT, which of course stands for bacon, lettuce and tomato. This sandwich is so omnipresent and popular that I can almost guarantee there is no one, except …. Read More
Herr Jose Mier Mit Dem Pretzels
World Famous Bavarian Treat Jose Mier Gastronomy continues its listing of the most famous and loved foods in the world. Today’s entry is that iconic German—and specifically Bavarian—treat we know as the pretzel. As we all know it so popular the pretzels are available in ballparks, amusement parks and even the local shopping mall, …. Read More
Jose Mier Gastronomy’s New Year’s Leftovers
What To Do With All That Roast Beef Jose Mier Gastronomy is in the same position as you. We’ve got a lot of leftovers from Christmas dinners as well as New Year’s celebrations. One of the things we have on hand is a lot of roast beef, so what’s a person to do with all …. Read More
Chef Jose Mier and Christmas Leftovers
Imaginative Recipes for After the Holiday Jose Mier here recuperating after Christmas. If you’re like me you had a large Christmas dinner and more food than people could eat in one sitting. As you know I prepared roast beef for our Christmas dinner here in Sun Valley, California, but you may have other leftovers that …. Read More
Jose Mier Gastronomy Celebrates the Cheeseburger
Cheeseburger. Nuff Said. Jose Mier Gastronomy with another of the most famous foods in the world. This one is on the top 50 foods of the world according to I’m talking about none other than the cheeseburger. If you had to pick one food to symbolize a nation, the hamburger would be the …. Read More
Persona Naan Grata
Jose Mier Profiles This Famous Indian Food Jose Mier Gastronomy has featured foods from around the world, but I don’t think we’ve used any from India yet. Well, that’s all about to change with this entry into my series on the most favorite foods of the world. Go to any Indian restaurant and no matter …. Read More
You’re Gonna Need A Bigger Pan
Jose Mier Gastronomy On Paella Chef Jose Mier here. Somewhere way back in time my ancestors came from Spain. I’m pretty sure about that with a name like Jose Mier. So when I find the favorite food of the world comes from Spain I feel like I can take a little bit of pride …. Read More
Jose Mier Gastronomy Celebrates the Brownie
America Grabs Another Top Food Place Jose Mier Gastronomy readers may realize that, while I’ve been profiling some of the favorite foods in all the world, a few of the last articles have been on the dessert side. This one is no exception and it’s another entry by the United States the pantheon of …. Read More